Viñetas por Segundo is an animation, comics, and entertainment podcast covering various topics for creative people looking to become professionals within the creative industries. Hino and Renata have more than 20 years in experience working in the animation industry and together they talk about various news, practices and answer questions from their listeners in order to instruct artists in Latin America, their show also include professional interviews.
(Be sure to watch the video interview below!)
Hino is a multimedia director with experience in animation, TV and radio, he also has experience as a voice actor and has worked in films and animated series for companies such as Televisa, Netflix, Nickelodeon, Adult Swim, etc. Renata is an illustrator and storyboard artist with more than 7 years of experience in the industry and her most recent works include the series “Legend Quests: Masters of Myth” (Netflix Original), “The League of 5”, “Las Leyendas – El Origen” and other films that will be announced soon.
You can check their work here:
Viñetas por Segundo
Renata’s Website
Hino’s Website
Interview with Viñetas por Segundo:
(Click the play button to watch the video interview above)
Click here to watch in a new Tab:
In this Episode, You Will Learn:
- Viñetas por Segundo’s Story
- Renata’s & Hino’s Story
- How to reach for international clients
- Strategies to become better artists
- The Creative Industry in Mexico
- Tips on working fully online
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Thanks so much for watching the interview with Hino & Renata May, I truly appreciate YOU!
Until Next Time!